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Meet our dog, Sasha. This picture was taken March 6, 2008, her 12th birthday!! Yes, we had a birthday party for the dog. We wore party hats, sang Happy Birthday, and had cupcakes. Yes, Sasha had a cupcake too (with no frosting). You may think it's a little strange to throw a birthday party for a dog, but this is no ordinary dog. This happens to be the very best dog in the whole world!!! She's as much of a part of the family as the kids are.
THAT'S A LIE!!!!!! My Princess Sophia is the best dog ever...sorry Sasha!! hehe
I think Sasha is cute, BUT my dogs Biskit and Cookie are the BEST and Cutest dogs EVER ! so there!! ha
Ha! You're all wrong. My Tobi is absolutely the BEST and CUTEST dog EVER! With her one stand-up ear and one floppy ear she's adorable! And there is NO dog that LOVES Christmas as much as Tobi does. See, she's even a Believer! :-D
Go to to see her.
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